Website Terms of Service
The website of Stephen Iorns barrister (, herein referred to as "the website") is provided on the condition that you accept these terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions may be altered without prior notice at the sole discretion of Stephen Iorns. Should you not agree with any of these terms, you are not permitted to use the website. Feedback is always welcome.
Information provided
Any information provided through the website is for the benefit of the internet community and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice requires knowledge of individual facts and specifically tailored solutions taking into account many factors.
While every effort is made to ensure information provided through the website is current and accurate, Stephen Iorns does not guarantee this to be the case and explicitly notes the possibility that information may be out-dated or inaccurate.
No liability will be accepted for harm suffered due to reliance on any information provided through the website, to the fullest extent allowed by law.
No guarantees are given as to availability of information, and no liability will be accepted for loss attributed to the website being altered or impaired, at any given time.
Information received
Stephen Iorns respects your privacy and will treat any information received through the website with appropriate care.
Information received through the website may include your:
email address,
physical address, and
contact details.
This information will never be given to a third party, except as required to provide any services actually requested.
The website automatically collects anonymous information which may include your:
IP address,
internet browser type,
domain names,
time spent on the website, and
website referrals.
This information is used to support the quality of service provided by Stephen Iorns, and will never be used in a manner which could jeopardise a user's privacy.
This agreement does not govern information received in a professional capacity. The relationship between a lawyer and their client is one of the strictest confidence. For more information on this please contact Stephen Iorns, or visit
Third Party Links
The website provides links to third party sites, outside of the control of Stephen Iorns. These links are provided for convenience, and do not signify any endorsement from Stephen Iorns or the third party (nor does it imply any association). Stephen Iorns accepts no responsibility for these third party sites.
Restriction of Access
Stephen Iorns reserves the right to restrict the right to use this website.
The information provided through the website is subject to copyright. No copies may be made without the prior consent of Stephen Iorns.
© Stephen Iorns 2013 – all rights reserved.