
Whether you require assistance with a civil dispute in the District or High Court, or are facing criminal charges, we can help you through what is often a stressful and daunting experience. From jury trials and appeals to traffic offences, Judicial Review to straightforward debt collection, contract disputes to estate challenges, if your circumstances require a civil or criminal lawyer the sooner you engage one the better.

Our main office is at Heretaunga Chambers In Upper Hutt. Stephen is based in Paremata, just north of Wellington. Dr Roderick Mulgan, Stephen's associate barrister, is based in Auckland, but spends a portion of his week working out of our Wellington satellite office in the CBD. We both regularly appear in a wide range of Courts and tribunals around the Country, and will consider taking cases anywhere in the South Pacific.

As highly trained advocates, whatever problem you come to us with, we offer exceptional value. When you need a lawyer that will give your matter the time it needs, contact us. When you need a lawyer that will listen to your side of the story, contact us. When you need a lawyer that will research the law, explain it to you in plain terms, then act on your instructions, contact us.We will not charge you for simply picking up the phone when you first seek us out, or responding to your initial email query.

We will discuss your matter with you first, then explain how we bill and what your matter will cost, before you agree to incur any cost at all.

We operate in conjunction with a number of other barristers through Heretaunga Law, and can act for you on a wide range of civil and commercial disputes. We offer a competitive package compared to those with higher inner city rents, while refusing to compromise on service. Whether your matter needs one lawyer or a team of five, we can and will act to achieve the best results possible. 

If you are in need of advice and representation, please do not hesitate to contact Stephen or Roderick for a no obligation free telephone consultation. You will not be billed for simply picking up the phone or sending an email.